In-Person Training at BOOTSTRAP25

Thompson Conference Center, Austin TX // March 18-21


BOOTSTRAP25 brings the best reverse engineering and debugging training to Austin TX, this March. Join us for courses covering everything from software to hardware hacking. Austin is an is an amazing venue with lots to do, great food, and of course great learning.

All courses run from 9am - 5pm US Central Time unless otherwise stated.


Our pricing model operates on an early-bird discount, with standard and late pricing.

Pricing Model 2 Day
4 Day
Early Bird
(Till Dec 2)
USD2300 USD4200
(Dec 3 - Feb 17)
USD2500 USD4400
(Feb 18 - Mar 13)
USD2700 USD4600

All bookings include complimentary access to our BOOTLOADER Mixer Evening and BOOTSTRAP25 conference event on March 22. Come join us for workshops and meet the instructors for the trainings you've missed.

BOOTSTRAP25's In-Person Training Courses

VoidStar Security - Hardware Hacking for Reverse Engineers
This course teaches hardware reverse engineering fundamentals, focusing on low-level protocols like SPI, I2C, JTAG, and SWD in embedded systems. Students develop tools to interface with these protocols. All hardware is provided, and students keep the tools after completing the course.

INSTRUCTOR: Matthew "wrongbaud" Alt // 4 Days // March 18-21

Bluetooth Low Energy - Full Stack Attack
It’s pretty fun to hack things wirelessly. And hey, it turns out there’s literally *billions* of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) things sold per year, so let’s learn how to hack those!

INSTRUCTORS: Veronica and Xeno Kovah // 4 Days // March 18-21

Fuzzing and Attacking Custom Embedded Systems
This training covers analyzing, fuzz testing, and exploiting devices with custom embedded OS. It dives into Arm Firmware, teaches reverse engineering with Ghidra, and offers hands-on exercises to build proficiency with tools like Unicorn, AFL++, and Fuzzware.

INSTRUCTORS: Tobias Scharnowski and Marius Muench // 4 Days // March 18-21

Patch Diffing In The Dark: Reverse Engineering Modern CVEs
This course teaches patch diffing to analyze real-world Windows and Android vulnerabilities. Students use open-source tools like Ghidra to reverse engineer recent CVEs, gaining the skills and confidence to discover complex vulnerabilities with tools they already have.

INSTRUCTOR: John McIntosh // 4 Days // March 18-21

Demystifying Low-Tech Fuzzing: Unconventional Approaches to Uncovering CVEs
The “Low Tech Fuzzing” class is designed to teach students efficient fuzzing techniques to quickly find and validate bugs in software.

INSTRUCTOR: Marc Schoenefeld // 2 Days // March 20,21

Practical Car Hacking - A Hands-On Approach
This course covers a wide variety of topics - from automotive networks, diagnostic protocols, firmware extraction and wireless attack surfaces. The course is very hands-on, with many real ECUs to practice on.

INSTRUCTOR: Willem Melching // 4 Days // March 18-21

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