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Don's 90 minute introduction to RISC-V gives you a sneak peek into the attack surface of RISC-V architecture CPUs and what it would take to craft exploits on it. Don covers the width and depth of RISC-V attacks in his Inside RISC-V: Analysis and Exploitation training offered at CATCH2022.
This training is designed to give students the knowledge and skills required to analyze, identify, target, and exploit flaws in both RISC-V processors, and applications and kernels written for the architecture. Not only will RISC-V application level exploitation be a focus of the training session, processor exploitation will also be a focus, providing students with insights into architectural design choices that make RISC-V more resilient to side channel attacks, “trustzone” escapes, and privilege “ring” escalation attacks.
Students will complete the class with a full understanding of the RISC-V architecture and its variants, how to identify/analyze a RISC-V processor, and how to target and exploit an application or kernel running on a RISC-V CPU. Students will learn how the architecture's formal definition differs from implementations of the processor specification, and will learn how to target subtleties in the specification that grant implementors the flexibility to introduce potential architecture flaws that can be exploited in order to cross privilege boundaries or leak/exfil privileged data.
Variations of RISC-V technology will be discussed, such as the “unhackable” Morpheus microarchitecture, production variants such as SiFive's product line, and security focused chips such as HexFive and LowRISC.
Cluster 1
- RISC-V Architecture Specification
- RISC-V Architecture Variants and Extensions
- RISC-V Peripheral Integration Model (Bus Architecture)
- RISC-V Debugging and Testing
Cluster 2
- Application Development Environment
- Toolchains and Soft Debugging
- Privilege Layers from a Kernel and App Perspective
- Exploiting Kernels
- Exploiting Applications
Cluster 3
- Tagged Memory
- Side channel attacks
- Privilege escalation
- Privileged data leakage
- TrustZone Analogs
- Exploiting Privilege Boundary Flaws
Cluster 4
- Secure Core Implementations and their Weaknesses
- Errata: Hacking Implementations versus Specifications
- Exploiting Secure Cores
Tools Used
- Linux
- gdb / llvm / gcc
- Python
Required Skills
- Basic assembly knowledge with any RISC architecture CPU
- Basic low-level programming (C, assembly)
- Basic Python
- Familiarity with the Linux command line and its common tools
System Requirements:
- A working computer
- Virtual machine(s) running Linux
- The ability for your Linux system to run virtual machines (QEMU)
- Python installed (2 and 3)
- Basic development toolchain installed: gcc/llvm, gdb, vim, make/automake/autoconf, OpenOCD, telnet/nc