In this training, you will learn how to analyze Android malware and understand what they are doing. The training consists in a majority of hands-on lab sessions, with demo and many exercises on real, and recent, Android malware. Of course, you also learn how to deal with those malware safely ;-)
Malware Samples covered during the training
The malware samples are from 2022 and 2023. There are samples of:
- Android/BianLian
- Cerberus
- Ghimob
- Locker
- SpyBanker
- SpyC23
- SandroRAT
- SpyMax
- Xenomorph
- Zanubis
Session 1: Reconnaissance - 3h30
- Introduction / Welcome
- Contents of Android application: manifest, assets, native libraries...
- Certificates and application signature
- Presentation of Reverse Engineering tools
- Setup of tools. A dedicated Docker container is provided to attendees
- 3 Labs: compiling an Android app & disassembling it, use of command line reconnaissance tools such as DroidLysis, Quark
Session 2: Disassembling & Decompiling
- Use of GUI reconnaissance tools MobSF and Pithus
- Advanced use of Quark: creation of new rules
- Disassembling Android/Locker and understanding Smali
- Decompiling Android/SpyBanker with JADX
- Dynamically loaded classes
- Understanding how JsonPacker works
- Manual de-obfuscation of simple strings and JADX
- Automated de-obfuscation with JEB
Session 3: Packers - 3h30
- Grabbing malware payload from adb
- Creation of Frida hooks
- Wrapping Frida hooks with Python
- Automatic creation of Frida snippets with JADX
- Unpacking packed malware with Dexcalibur
Session 4: De-obfuscation and more packers
- Other unpacking tools: House, Medusa
- Detection packers with APKiD
- Creating Yara rules to detect new packers
- Hooking inside dynamically loaded code with House
- Implementing a JEB script
- Malware abusing Accessibility Services
- Anti-debug/VM tricks and solutions based
- Hooking malware at startup with Objection
- Dealing with native libraries
Session 5: Network activity
- Capture HTTP and HTTPS flow with MitmProxy
- Divert flow with a plugin for MitmProxy
- Creating a fake CnC
- Disable debug mode with a Frida hook
- Dynamic analysis with MobSF and Runtime Mobile Security (RMS)
Required Skills
- Familiarity with Unix command-line tools
- Basic understanding of Java programming concepts (classes, methods, inheritance, etc.)
- Be able to write scripts or small programs in a language of your choice (e.g. Python, Java, etc.)
- OPTIONAL: Familiarity with Docker: pull images, run containers, configure ports and shared directories. This is not strictly mandatory knowledge for the training, but it will help.
System Requirements
- A working laptop capable of running virtual machines
- 15 GB free Hard disk space
- Docker and docker-compose: https://docs.docker.com
- Training container: 'docker pull cryptax/android-re:latest'
- SSH, SCP and/or VNC client
- Recent Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Android Studio: https://developer.android.com/studio/
- Python 3.x
- A programming environment of your choice - Vim, Emacs, Sublime, etc.
- A build environment
- Discord