Welcome To BOOTSTRAP25
Thompson Conference Center, Austin TX // March 18-22
Keep Austin reverse-engineering and learn with Ringzer0! Ringzer0…
Can't make it to Austin? BOOTSTRAP25's Virtual Trainings may be just the thing for you! You can study with our amazing trainers from the comfort of your own home! March 9-15.
Fuzz testing is great for finding vulnerabilities, but embedded, bare-metal, and RTOS firmware pose unique challenges. This hands-on workshop explores firmware rehosting, a modern technique for analyzing and fuzz testing deeply embedded firmware.
Right now you are enveloped in the warming glow of dozens to hundreds of Bluetooth devices. Aren’t you curious what all those little critters are?! In this workshop we’ll use the Blue2thprinting tools to poke at these apparitions and get a sense of what they are and what they want from us!
In this workshop we will cover the basics of reverse engineering automotive firmware. An ECU firmware can consist of millions of lines of code which would take a long time to fully reverse engineer. Tips and tricks will be taught to quickly identify parts of the firmware that are of interest.
Automate reverse engineering with Ghidra’s CLI tools in this hands-on workshop. Set up a productive environment using the Ghidra Python VSCode Devcontainer Skeleton, automate tasks, script analyses, and integrate Ghidra’s powerful decompilation and disassembly features into your CLI workflow
This workshop introduces modern binary (de)obfuscation. After a brief lecture on key concepts, we’ll walk through practical examples, using symbolic execution to extract and simplify obfuscated expressions. Finally, we’ll apply program synthesis to recover the semantics of obfuscated code.
Fuzzing doesn’t need complex tools or setup to find CVEs. We debunk this myth with strategies to expedite vulnerability discovery, building a well oiled fuzzing campaign from simple tools. Intricacies like instrumentation can be replaced by fine-tuning the focus towards the fuzzing target area.
Blackhoodie is a free, women only reverse engineering workshop and community. This FREE 1 day class introduces students to security relevant aspects of compiler internals, and with guided examples enables students to perform their own code modifications through a compiler.
It has been 15 years since FX famously quipped that by quality level, we are better off defending our networks with Microsoft Word than a Checkpoint firewall. Security products are still pretty terrible - but why? This keynote examines why this keeps happening and plots a path to a different world.
The Linux Kernel powers billions of devices across industries, making it critical infrastructure. But is it secure? Josh explores this by comparing its security investments to a typical SDLC, sharing a case study of an unresolved security issue, and offering recommendations to reduce risk.