
26 posts
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802.11x Unplugged: Modern Wi-Fi Hacking
Virtual Training

802.11x Unplugged: Modern Wi-Fi Hacking

If you want to really master Wi-Fi attacks, this highly practical, hands-on course will teach you what you need to know. Hosted in a “Wi-Fi in the cloud” environment, there's no more fiddling with faulty hardware.
5 min read
Pragmatic API Exploration
Virtual Training

Pragmatic API Exploration

Embark on a learning journey to explore the art of attacking and securing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) with our comprehensive API course. This practical-driven training equips you to penetration test API implementations and further understand how to mitigate vulnerabilities.
4 min read
Practical Firmware Implants and Bootkits
In-person Training

Practical Firmware Implants and Bootkits

Master low-level firmware security in this hands-on course focused on BIOS/UEFI manipulation, bypassing Secure Boot and Intel® BootGuard, and creating BIOS implants and Bootkits. Learn Intel hardware debugging, exploit development, and enhance your offensive and defensive firmware security skills.
3 min read
TEEPwn: Breaking TEE By Experience
Virtual Training

TEEPwn: Breaking TEE By Experience

Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) are challenging to secure due to complex hardware and large trusted code bases. Vulnerabilities have been exploited via the less-secure Rich Execution Environment (REE). TEEPwn features a CTF experience to explore TEE vulnerabilities and exploits.
3 min read
5G Hacking for Red and Blue Teams
In-person Training

5G Hacking for Red and Blue Teams

Learn how to identify and counter threats in 5G networks. Dive into 5G core security, protocols, assess vulnerabilities and develop exploits. The training features hands-on exercises simulating real-world attacks and defenses on a local, isolated 5G network.
5 min read
Exploiting the Linux Kernel
Virtual Training

Exploiting the Linux Kernel

This training guides through the field of Linux kernel exploitation. In a series of practical labs, the training explores the process of exploiting kernel bugs in a modern Linux distribution on the x86-64 architecture.
3 min read
Welcome To BOOTSTRAP25!

Welcome To BOOTSTRAP25!

Welcome To BOOTSTRAP25 Thompson Conference Center, Austin TX // March 18-21 BOOK NOW Keep Austin reverse-engineering and learn with Ringzer0 this…
3 min read
BOOTSTRAP25 Virtual Training

BOOTSTRAP25 Virtual Training

Can't make it to Austin? BOOTSTRAP25's Virtual Trainings may be just the thing for you! You can study with our amazing trainers from the comfort of your own home! March 9-15.
4 min read
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