Workshop: Hands-on binary (de)obfuscation


March 22 @ TCC >>


In this workshop, we will provide an introduction to state-of-the-art approaches for modern binary (de)obfuscation. After a brief lecture on the fundamental ideas, we will walk through practical examples. We will use symbolic execution to retrieve the obfuscated expression from the compiled binary and attempt to simplify it, and finally, we will leverage program synthesis to reason about and successfully recover the semantics of the obfuscated code.

Arnau Gàmez i Montolio

Hacker, security researcher and mathematician with a strong bias towards software security and reverse engineering.

Arnau specializes in software protection research and development (obfuscation, cryptography, mixed boolean-arithmetic algebra, inverse mappings, etc.) from a dual attack-and-defense perspective, both in academia and industry. He is an experienced malware analyst in the antivirus sector and security engineer in the gaming industry.

He is the founder of Fura Labs, a boutique security firm and consultancy focused on software protection research and education. He speaks and trains at several international security conferences.

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Welcome To BOOTSTRAP25 Thompson Conference Center, Austin TX // March 18-22 BOOK NOW Keep Austin reverse-engineering and learn with Ringzer0! Ringzer0 returns to the Thompson Conference Center, Austin, TX in March 2025 with BOOTSTRAP25, a celebration of South-West Cyber. Our one-day event follows a week of intense reverse engineering. Come for

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