Workshop: Introduction to Automotive Firmware Reverse Engineering


March 22 @ TCC >>


In this workshop we will cover the basics of reverse engineering automotive firmware. An ECU firmware can consist of millions of lines of code which would take a long time to fully reverse engineer. Tips and tricks will be taught to quickly identify parts of the firmware that are of interest.

Workshop Outline

The following subjects will be covered during the workshop:

  • Common processor architectures used in Automotive
  • Diagnostic protocols used for reflashing ECUs
  • Obtaining firmware files
  • Typical firmware layout
  • Loading firmware into Ghidra
  • Identify common patterns, such as diagnostic handlers, CAN parsing, etc

What to bring:

  • A laptop with the latest version of Ghidra installed
  • Experience with reverse engineering recommended for the hands-on part of the workshop

Willem's BOOTSTRAP25 Training

All trainings come with complimentary access to our BOOTSTRAP25 event! Book a virtual or in-person trainings and get a taste of the others at BOOTSTRAP25!

Practical Car Hacking - A Hands-On Approach
This course covers a wide variety of topics - from automotive networks, diagnostic protocols, firmware extraction and wireless attack surfaces. The course is very hands-on, with many real ECUs to practice on.

In-Person Training | March 18-21

Willem Melching

Willem Melching ( is an independent security researcher. He has over 7 years of experience working on automotive security and reverse engineering. During his time at he worked an aftermarket ADAS device and providing open source tools to help the community reverse and interact with a wide variety of cars. Check out his blog ( for recent work.

Ringzer0 ★ BOOTSTRAP25
Welcome To BOOTSTRAP25 Thompson Conference Center, Austin TX // March 18-22 BOOK NOW Keep Austin reverse-engineering and learn with Ringzer0! Ringzer0 returns to the Thompson Conference Center, Austin, TX in March 2025 with BOOTSTRAP25, a celebration of South-West Cyber. Our one-day event follows a week of intense reverse engineering. Come for

All BOOTSTRAP25 + Bootloader Mixer Talks and Workshops

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